Avoid drownings of children and infants
Help a Star Foundation

Avoiding drownings of children and infants

Help a Star Foundation

The Help a Star Foundation is a non profit organization which focuses on children and youth in need. The Help a Star Foundation wants to help children by educating them and giving them opportunities so that they can have a better future and improved chances of living a fulfilled adult life.

Drowning of children and infants is a serious problem around the world. In both developing and wealthy countries too many young children die because of drownings. Every lost child is one too many. The Help a Star Foundation wants reduce the amount of drownings as much as possible. The Help a Star Foundation makes a serious effort to realize this by organizing various projects for children. We believe that the chances of survival of children and youngsters can be increased through education. The Help a Star Foundation has given training in survival skills to children in Lesotho and Suriname and will continue to provide these lessons in survival techniques. We are looking for partners and contributors to help and support our mission.

Our goal is to make a positive impact on the youth we serve, provide opportunities, share knowledge to make the world a better place. The Help a Star Foundation is enriching the lives of children.

Please help us to avoid drownings of infants, children and youth around the world and donate or visit the Help a Star Foundation website https://www.helpastar.org/.


The Help a Star Foundation contributes in a positive way to the world and helps children in need to get better life opportunities.


The Help a Star Foundation has succesfully done several projects in different countries to improve the lives of children.


Help a Star believes in a better world. We help to provide a healthy environment to all children and contribute in this way.

The Help a Star Foundation is a non profit organization registered in both the Netherlands and in the United States. In the Netherlands the Stichting Help a Star Foundation has an ANBI status. In the United States the Help a Star Foundation has a 501c3 recognition.

Call the Help a Star Foundation any time:
+1 646 236 1801
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